Fruit Trees News – What if we had our own?

Most of our community doesn’t have a baseball field, which is needed to give our young boys and girls an outlet to learn sports skills, socialization skills, disciplinary skills, and how to work in a group with others. These are activities that will help them to develop as an individual and a leader and get much-needed exercise.

What if professional basketball, football, and tennis players would put their resources together to start their/our own league. I use “our” because of the Investment opportunities it will bring to the community to own their own teams, which they have no opportunity as of right now. This type of talking will cause some serious thoughts to go through the minds of the present masters, I meant owners, I meant OPPRESSOR, ok I meant the people in charger of your value, heath, thoughts on the field and in your community.

There are HBCUs with nice sports facilities or good enough to start facilities that can host almost all the sports genres needed for the start of something great that may not be billion dollar stadiums, but dream big for the future is ours. It would be a drop in pay true enough, but the freedom to be able to control your/our own destiny, and make our communities safe again will be priceless!! To do that which is needed we must get our best minds in all areas of needs. Starting with security, medical facilities (labs, research and development, land, farming, retrieve all our geniuses and prodigies. We will definitely need to address the sacrifice of a huge pay day from those in power who are using the skill of sports and academics from our community and pricing our family out of being able to afford a seat to see our children play.

We must stop giving our answered prayers to the same people we are praying about to God. If and when He answered our prayer (prodigies and geniuses), we as broke people give our answer to white people and institutions to develop and give them high paying jobs; something we can’t do because we give our resources to develop their worlds. What worlds? The World of Science, Medicines, Technology, NanoTech (i.e. an HBCU Grad name Dr. Hadiyah-Nicole Green has Discovered a CURE for Cancer). You may not know her just like the owners don’t want our rich to know our working-class and disenfranchised. It can be done. The only time they wouldn’t replete what Kyrie Irving said was when he made a quick remark about the player should start their own League. WOW, God’s words are moving the bones.

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